Facts about hair loss:
Hair loss is one of the biggest contributors to stress in our culture.

  • 2 out of 3 men can expect to be bald (or balding) by the time they reach 50 years of age.
  • 36% of all women between the ages of 40 and 49 agonize over some degree of hair thinning or loss.
  • Adults aren't the only ones suffering from hair loss because even children face these issues.
  • Researchers are finding that environmental issues are causing both men and women to lose hair at an earlier age.

With early detection, professional consultation and advanced products and technologies, it is possible to bring solutions to the millions of people who suffer from the effects of thinning, fine and limp hair.

Your hair stylist can be a true ally when it comes to fighting the physical and emotional stress of hair loss. When warning signs are caught and detected early be a trained stylist, he or she can discuss and recommend the best solution, which could be a product or some type of hair enhancement.

Regardless of your choice, maintaining a healthy scalp environment by detoxifying, moisturizing and nourishing the living hair and scalp is one of the most important things you can do to stop excessive hair loss.

In severe cases of hair loss, such as those caused by thyroid diseases, a dermatologist should be consulted because it indicates potentially greater underlying medical problems.

The top six reasons for abnormal hair loss and miniaturization of hair are as follows:

1. Genetic Predisposition • Family history of hair loss
2. Stress and Trauma

• Leads to constriction of blood supply
• Poor vitamin assimilation

3. Nutrition and Diet • High consumption of animal fats
4. Health • Thyroid
5. Medications • Chemotherapy
6. Environment • Pollutants from the environment
• Toxins within our body

Five early warning signs of Genetic Predisposition for abnormal hair loss:

  1. Acne: Adult cystic acne or acne with cysts can be a warning sign that a hormonal imbalance is taking place.
  2. Seborrhea: With Seborrhea, the sebaceous gland produces excess sebum, which builds-up on the scalp (it looks like cradle cap). This also can be a sign that a hormonal imbalance is taking place.
  3. Alopecia Areata: This is a systemic, non-hormonal cause of hair loss. Genetics, diet and stress trigger, what is believed to be an autoimmune disease and the subsequent hair loss associated with it. The bald spots of Alopecia Areata may come and go, but it is generally a warning sign of more severe hair loss problems ahead.
  4. Excessive Daily Hair Loss: When shampooing daily, the loss of 50 or more hairs per day can be a warning sign of potential hair loss problems.
  5. Excessive Body Hair: 50% greater risk of baldness if a man has complete chest hair. 70% greater risk if a man has chest, shoulder and back hair. 90% greater risk of baldness if man has total body hair.

It should be noted that the reasons for women's hair loss are vastly different than those of men. Men generally experience patterned baldness, while women experience diffused thinning.

If you are experiencing excessive hair loss or scalp inflammation, or developing bald spots, you should consult with a medical expert. Your hair stylist may be the first to notice your hair loss and can be your first line of defense by advising you to seek the proper advice.

When hair loss can't be avoided, today's technology with the latest non-surgical grafting techniques, weaving, and extensions, can help your hair look thicker and help build your self esteem. Consult with us for the most effective hair restoration process for you.

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Phone (201) 935-7720   Fax: (201) 935-1076   Email: J1hair@aol.com   Address: 36 Spring Dell, Rutherford, NJ 07070